Motivation is Bullshit

Motivation is Bullshit – Discipline and Habit are what matters
With videos, articles and every other social media post being some hot young woman in a bikini picture yapping on about motivation, it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that just finding some motivation is going to somehow make your goals become a magical success.

Well sorry to burst your bubble, but motivation is only good to start with!

Think of all the successful people you know, whether that be an athlete, business person or simply someone who inspires you. Ask yourself, what are the qualities you admire about that individual? Then ask yourself, how did that person achieve their success?

No doubt one of the qualities to spring to mind was “motivation” and most likely you are correct. To begin something, there needs to be a level of motivation and that’s great BUT motivation is just the beginning of it. No one reaches their goal with motivation alone.
To achieve a goal, motivation MUST become habit. And a habit is accomplished via discipline!
Discipline is doing the things you don’t want to do. It’s the dragging your ass out of bed before work and going to the gym. It’s the working a long day then going to the gym after you’ve finished even though you’d much rather go home. It’s the preparing the meals that you can’t be bothered to prepare because buying a sandwich is easier at the shop near work. It’s discipline that keeps you going when you’ve lost the motivation that was once the thing that got you started.
No one can give you discipline other than you. Once you stop making excuses and start doing the things you don’t want to do then these things quickly habit! And habits are hard to break…

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